Thursday, August 30, 2018

ok so getting a little something going here........looking at exchanges and gurus.....




one question i have is how many dang penny stock markets are there....i can't even name one....maybe NASDAQ......maybe there are penny stocks on the NYSE hell i have no idea.......maybe better drive up to Wall Street and take me a look-see....
so what i'll do is begin to compile a list of all penny stock trading services that i can find on the internet.

then i'll start watching youtube videos on penny stock trading.

i'll learn everything that i can while not making any real trades and only continuing my current savings plan.


My Current Number One Guy

Warrior Traders / Ross Cameron

And this is my 23 year old millionaire boy out in AZ.

Ricky Gutierrez

 Joshua Martinez


Kyle Dennis
Jason Bond
Jeff Williams
Mark Shawzin


Raging Bull

Penny Pro

Jason Bond Picks

Motley Fool

Biotech Breakouts

Forex Signals TV
ok here's where i'll put all of my notes for stock market trading.....